Old Cat Urine Odor Removal Home Remedy

Old cat urine odor can be tough to get rid of, but there are a few home remedies you can try before resorting to commercial products. Keep in mind that these methods might work to varying degrees, depending on the severity of the odor and how deeply it has penetrated the affected area.

1. Vinegar and Baking Soda:

  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the affected area with the mixture and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Blot up the excess moisture with paper towels or a clean cloth.
  • Sprinkle baking soda over the area and let it sit for several hours or overnight.
  • Vacuum up the baking soda.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda:

  • Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with a few drops of dish soap and a sprinkle of baking soda.
  • Test the mixture on an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn't discolor the fabric.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected area and let it sit for a few hours.
  • Blot up the excess moisture and vacuum the area.

3. Lemon Juice:

  • Mix lemon juice with an equal amount of water.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected area and let it sit for a while.
  • Blot up the moisture with paper towels or a clean cloth.

4. Enzyme-based Cleaner (Homemade):

  • An enzyme based cleaner will remove the smells instantly and permanently, while being environmentally safe and non-toxic. 

5. Sunlight and Fresh Air:

  • If possible, take the affected item outside and let it sit in direct sunlight and fresh air. Sunlight can help break down odor-causing compounds.
  • Make sure the item is completely dry before bringing it back indoors.

Remember to test any cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn't cause any discoloration or damage to the material. Keep in mind that old urine stains can be quite stubborn, and it might take several attempts with these remedies to completely eliminate the odor. If the odor persists, consider consulting a professional cleaner or using a commercial enzyme-based pet stain and odor remover.